My Philosophy

Create a picture in the mind of your audience that evokes an emotion; something positive to capture the imagination in everyone.

My Work

Directed multiple unique design projects, website and custom application builds.


Produced award winning websites and media in addition to other recognitions.


Developed marketing campaign transitioning corporation to award winning technology provider.

My Methodology

Create wireframes and infrastructures based on usability standards and project requirements.


  • Client meeting
  • Project scope
  • Timeline
  • Technical requirements

Information Architecture

  • Outline functionality
  • Content requirements
  • Site diagram
  • Functional Templates

User Interface Design

  • Design concepts
  • Create mockups
  • Client feedback


  • Establish development environment
  • Confirm/refine technical requirements
  • Page construction

QA Testing

  • Content
  • Functional compatibility
  • Prioritze issues
  • Site modifications

Go Live

  • Publish to production server
  • Implement maintenance plan
iMac computers

Who I Am

Award-winning creative director with expertise in branding, marketing, and Web development. Established corporate vision to increase revenue and market share. Spearheaded major projects from concept through delivery. Led development and launch of new products. Adept at training, developing, and motivating teams. Innovative, analytical, and articulate.

  • Director, Creative and Interactive
  • Manager, Web and Marketing
  • Webmaster
  • Solutions Designer
Visit My Portfolio

My Skillsets & Training

Technical / creative talent with 19+ years experience of successful marketing, business and operations leadership from the project to the corporate level.
Recognized by executive management, clients, internal, and agency teams as a definitive problem solver delivering solutions to the most challenging business and production conditions.

Core Competencies

  • Creative Direction
  • Operations Leadership
  • Project Leadership
  • Marketing
  • eCommerce & Web Strategies
  • Investor & Partner Relations
  • Identity, Branding & Positioning
  • Technology Design & Management
  • ADA Compliance - Internet


  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • ActionScript
My software and applcation skills